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Doomed and Destined (2 New Feats)

Doomed and Destined (2 New Feats)

We’ve got two new relatively general feats from Legends of Prestige and Prowess today, both dealing with opposite ends of the scale on how the narrative of the game treats the player character.

D&D Unleashed Doomed and Destined.jpg

Destined is a half-feat that grants story power while attempting not to influence combat power much if at all. If you want to feel like a protagonist, to feel intertwined with the story at many turns, to feel like one of many protagonists in fiction with a long backstory (I’m looking at you, Name of the Wind protagonist with at least 3 different D&D backgrounds!), or to just ensure that your character has a better chance of doing what matters in the story to them.

Doomed, meanwhile, lies on the opposite end of the spectrum, representing characters who are powerful but fated to die. There are countless examples in fiction, from a mentor-figure like Obi-Wan in Episode 4 of Star Wars to that police officer who’s just one day away from retirement to the gangster with a heart of gold who was too good for this world. Of course it also works beautifully for players who love building characters and don’t mind their character dying, or even secretly desire it. Doomed offers some immediate extra power at the cost of an immediate and potent downside — being critically hit twice as often. The feat also makes it easier to actually die once you’re dying, though it balances that out by granting your allies (who are now down 1 PC for the fight because you died) the temporary hit points to survive the adventuring day without you.

PDF Link / D&D Beyond Links: DestinedDoomed

Example Character: Bard / Leader

Example Character: Bard / Leader

Example Character: Fighter / Leader

Example Character: Fighter / Leader